Every Leader as a Coach.
Creating Transformation One Conversation At a Time.

Professional Coaching

Create Transformative Impact on your leadership potential today!

Our Internationally acclaim coaching programs will deepen your reflective learning as a leader and grow in personal mastery.

IIkigai isn’t a framework or model but a way of living and being. Leadership isn’t just for careers and organisations but it exist even in our personal lives. Ikigai Leadership Professional Coaching is a journey of learning, reflecting and discovering about how catalytic conversations can produce transformative sustainable change. Every change begins first with a conversation, a though-provoking, a creative, an evocative experience that will dive deep into the core of who you are and what you do. To find coherence and alignment in your personal values and what you do.

Like a metaphor of a mirror, the reflective nature of conversations and coaching allows us to reflect and deep self-awareness and consciousness. Coaching education is a life-long learning process and a growing of your leadership potential.

The Ikigai Kokoro Leadership Experience

Ikigai Leadership Coaching (ILC) is the flagship coaching education and development program designed and delivered by Ikigai Kokoro. It embodies the Japanese philosophy of Ikigai and masterfully enable each learner to deepen their awareness of self and others to create collaborative dialogue that is transformative and align to their personhood. The deep learning journey embodies Shu Ha Ri across the learners growth and progress. Graduates from the program will become Ikigai Leadership Practitioners (ILP) and accorded the distinguish title of a certified Ikigai Leadership Coach (ILC). Learners would undergo rigorous learning, practice and reflections to be awarded and recognized globally as an Ikigai Leadership Practitioner (ILP).

Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach
(ILPC) ‘Shu’
Level 1

The first level of Ikigai Leadership Professional Coaching sets the foundational elements of masterful conversation. Learners will discover the process of coaching conversation. Learn how to hold the space for the client to fully express themselves without imposing the coach’s own view of things. Learn practical skillsets and techniques of leadership coaching and how to build an on-going reflective practice to deepen coaching mastery.

Level 1 brings the learner through the journey of ‘Shu’ Mastery. It lays the founding stages of coaching learning through practice and reflection.

Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach - Advance
(ILPC-A) ‘Ha’
Level 2

The second level of Ikigai Leadership Professional Coaching - Advance dives deeper in the space of collaborative conversations. Learners will discover how to create transformative experience that is sustainable for the clients. Learn to deepen trust and safe space for the client to do deep inner work. Learn how to help clients create performance habits that produces results that last. The practical learning experience allows for coach practitioners to also enhance their leadership capabilities through reflective practice towards coaching mastery.

Level 2 brings the learner through the journey of ‘Ha’ Mastery. At the stage, the learner integrates learnings from real-world practice, peer learnings and theories to deepen their coaching practice.

Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach - Master
(ILPC-M) ‘Ri’
Level 3

The third level of Ikigai Leadership Professional Coaching - Master takes the coaching into the space of conversational mastery. Learners will discover how to employ a range of communication approaches that is tailored to the client’s needs. Learn how to create masterful breakthroughs and self-awareness that unravels the client’s potential within. The journey of mastery also allows the coach practitioner to create their leadership coaching practice in a way that is coherent to who they are. The coaching mastery is a journey into personal mastery.

Level 3 brings the learner through the journey of ‘Ri’ Mastery. The coach now becomes the learner again and dives deeper into who they are. Learning agility comes from within to co-create an experience that is unparalleled.

“The Depth of Coaching Creates a Space for Inner Coherence and Harmony”

— Ikigai Kokoro

Ikigai Kokoro Learning Philosophy

The heart of learning at Ikigai Kokoro is building and promoting a life-long learning mindset, reflective practice and personal mastery. The pursuit of mastery isn’t an endpoint, it’s a journey. It’s an on-going road of discovery, inquiry, reflections, discourse, appreciation and being comfortable in the space of the unknown. Learning doesn’t always have to have an answer, rather it should evoke new awareness. At the heart of it all, to step into the space of learning without pretence, with openness, curiosity and a thirst to learn more about the world around us and who we are. Learning is best self-initiated where the learner is in control of their learning outcomes and does a deep inner world within themselves before inspiring others.

Learning is an on-going process of discovering your unique learning styles and being adaptable to exploring new ways of learning, studying and exploring.

Learning is about change and honouring each moment that life presents.

Learning is the quintessential element of leadership and coaching mastery.

Level 1
Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach

Leaders begin their professional coaching education journey with Level 1 Ikigai Leadership Coaching program. Leadership is quintessential for our personal and professional lives. It’s the way we influence ourselves and others toward an outcome that we desire. Ikiagi is about finding that deep meaning and aligned purpose to move synergistically toward an outcome that is congruent to our personal values and core. That discovery journey happens through the process of coaching conversation.

Leadership mastery requires the leader to develop a reflective practice and discover their own journey of Ikigai. The ‘Shu’ of mastery, is in learning to develop and explore approaches to reflection and self-awareness. Reflective practice happens when the

The Journey of Shu
The Learning Journey Towards Coaching Mastery

Overview - The Journey of Shu

The internationally acclaimed Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach (Level 1), you will learn foundational and advance skills, techniques and coaching competencies to create deeper conversations with the client and generate change that is sustainable that create momentum for progress and growth. You will also develop a coaching mindset with a self-reflective coaching practice that takes you on the journey of mastery. The Journey of Shu is the first part of the Shu Ha Ri philosophy. It is a Japanese philosophy which describes the phases of learning mastery. The first phase Shu represents the “first learn”. In the program you will explore deeply the mindset shift required to create a more collaborative and transformative coaching conversation. Its time to step into your personal learning mastery.

Level 1 Ikigai Leadership Professional Coaching
Program Overview

The program has 4 key elements:
Element 1 - Individual and Collaborative Reflective Practice
Element 2 - Core Coaching Education
Element 3 - Mentor Coaching
Element 4 - Coaching Performance Evaluation and Assessment

These total educational learning hours upon completing the 4 elements of learning is 60 Hours of Immersive Coaching Education with synchronous and asynchronous learning that is designed with an andragogical approach to adult education.

Element 1 Individual and Collaborative Reflective Practice

Throughout the program, learners will be invited to conduct self-reflective and collaborative learning practice. Developing and curating their personal mastery journey begins first with determining the best methods of self-reflection and practice. Learners will embark on readings, journalling, reflecting, peer learning and real-world reflections. To embody a coaching mindset is to develop an on-going reflective practice to take learnings from the head to the heart and integrating into actions.

This first element of the program is a 3 hours asynchronous learner-led reflective experience.

Element 2 Core Coaching Education

Discover how to create deep conversational trust and relationships to co-create masterful conversations. Learn the coaching mindset required to deepen your coaching conversation. Through the utilisation of presence and flexibility to create a conversational flow. Learning to partner the client through co-creation process to create insightful discoveries and empower the coaching relationship that honours and respects the experience.

Ikigai Leadership Coaching begins with understanding the principles of applied Ikigai in leadership coaching conversations. Understanding the somatic, linguistics, multi-sensory and intelligence of the individual and to unravel the greatness within. Creating insights and learnings that alters a shift in thought that empowers action.

The Shu of coaching conversations is a collaborative process to create something new, a way of see, thinking and sensing that expands awareness. Helping the client to create new meanings, moments, experiences, insights, awareness through a creative conversational approach. Focusing on the conscious and unconscious state shifts to help create new resource states for the client.

The Shu of Sustainable growth and learning is key to momentum and drive towards the clients’ goals and progress. Learn how to design and facilitate the growth process where the client begins to assimilate the learnings and turning insight into action, progress and growth.

Element 3 Mentor Coaching

Mentor Coaching is a collaborative process to deepen your understanding of the ICF Core Competencies. It consists of coaching and feedback in a dialogued process based on observed or recorded coaching session to increase your capability as a Coach. Your mentor coaching experience will include both group sessions and individual sessions. For Level 1 it includes 11 Hrs of Mentor Coaching education hours.

Mentor Coaching (Group) - 4 Sessions of 2 Hrs each

Mentor Coaching (Individual) - 3 Sessions of 1 Hr each

Element 4 Coaching Performance Evaluation and Assessment

Coaching performance evaluation and assessment will provide the learner a consolidation of their learning. Coaches would practice coaching and perform own reflections and self-evaluation. They would need to produce a final coaching performance evaluation recording for the assessment board to assess their current coaching standard. If they pass the evaluation, they would be award the certified Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach (ILPC) Level 1 certification.

The learner would need to prepare and submit the following:
1) Coaching Recording (30min to 60min)
2) Transcript of the recording
3) Self-Observation and Reflection of the recording

“The journey of Ikigai is a on-going discovery and reflective process towards personal and conversational mastery”

— Ikigai Kokoro

Level 2
Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach (Advance)

In the Level 2 Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach program, leaders delve deeper into the 'Ha' phase of mastery, where breaking from tradition and experimentation become key. Building on the foundational skills acquired in Level 1, this advanced course encourages leaders to challenge conventional approaches and explore innovative coaching techniques. Participants will enhance their ability to facilitate transformative conversations, employing advanced strategies to navigate complex coaching scenarios. The program emphasizes the development of a unique coaching style, tailored to resonate with the leader's personal Ikigai, fostering a deeper connection to their purpose and values. This journey of 'Ha' invites leaders to refine their coaching practice through creative application and critical thinking, paving the way for a more personalized and impactful coaching impact.

Level 2b
Ikigai Team Leadership Coach

The Ikigai Team Leadership Coach program is designed for those looking to specialize in coaching teams towards higher performance and cohesion. Participants will explore dynamic team coaching methodologies, focusing on fostering collaboration, trust, and synergy within diverse team settings. The course offers tools and frameworks to diagnose team challenges, facilitate effective communication, and drive collective goal achievement. Emphasizing the 'Ha' phase, leaders are encouraged to adapt and innovate in their coaching approaches, ensuring they are aligned with the unique dynamics and needs of each team. This program empowers leaders to cultivate high-performing teams that embody the principles of Ikigai, achieving results that are deeply meaningful and aligned with organizational values.

Level 2c
Ikigai Enterprise and Organisational Leadership Coach

This specialized program targets leaders aiming to drive Agile transformation at an organizational level. The Ikigai Enterprise and Organizational Leadership Coach course equips participants with the strategies and insights needed to lead large-scale change initiatives, embedding Agile and Ikigai principles across the enterprise. Leaders will learn to navigate organizational complexities, align diverse departments towards a common vision, and cultivate an Agile culture that resonates with the organization's core values. Emphasizing the 'Ha' phase, the program encourages experimentation and adaptation in organizational coaching practices, fostering an environment of continuous learning and innovation.

“Leadership Transformation begins with discovering and realising your Ikigai”

— Ikigai Kokoro

Level 3
Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach (Mastery)

Reaching the pinnacle of the Shu Ha Ri journey, the Level 3 Ikigai Leadership Professional Coach program embodies the 'Ri' phase—transcendence and mastery. This course is designed for leaders who seek to surpass conventional coaching methodologies, integrating their deepened understanding of Ikigai with a masterful coaching practice. Participants will refine their ability to elicit profound insights and foster transformative change, leveraging their intuition and experience to guide clients on a path of self-discovery and growth. This mastery level program not only solidifies the leader's coaching expertise but also marks a personal journey towards achieving harmony between their professional practice and personal Ikigai. Mastery isn’t just about the coach’s skillsets but the coach learning about who they are, how they show up and how they continue to grow and deepen their insights towards mastery.

Level 3b
Ikigai Team Leadership Coach

The advanced Ikigai team leadership program focuses on mastering the art of team leadership coaching, integrating the principles of Ikigai with expert-level coaching techniques. Leaders will learn to seamlessly navigate and influence complex team dynamics, driving sustainable performance and fostering a culture of mutual respect, understanding, and purpose-driven achievement. The 'Ri' phase emphasizes the leader's intuitive understanding of teams, allowing for a fluid and adaptable coaching approach that is deeply attuned to the team's evolving needs and aspirations.

Level 3c
Ikigai Enterprise and Organisational Leadership Coach

At the apex of organizational coaching, the Level 3c program offers a comprehensive mastery of Agile and Ikigai principles applied at the enterprise level. Leaders will emerge as visionaries capable of steering organizations through transformative journeys, systemic thinking, embedding a sustainable Agile culture that aligns with the profound principles of Ikigai. This advanced course encourages leaders to transcend traditional coaching boundaries, leveraging their deep insight and strategic acumen to foster environments where innovation, collaboration, and purpose flourish on an organizational scale.

In coaching, we weave the threads of Ikigai, enabling leaders to discover the tapestry of their fullest potential, where passion, purpose, and profession converge in harmony.