The Ikigai Experience - The C-Suite Leadership Imperative for Leading Change towards Organization’s Growth and foresight

Written by Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC

What determines the success or failure of an organization?

What propels people within the organization to innovate or create?

What causes stakeholders and investors to find confidence in the growth potential of the organization?

These questions are multifaceted, but they reveal the strategic imperative that senior leadership within the organization need to embody and be clear about to move the organization to the next season of growth.

A leader should work on their personhood to the degree that they can be effective in leading change and setting strategic objectives for the success of the organization. The C-suite leaders hold the most influence in determining the organizational culture, pace and perception of value by both internal and external stakeholders.

I often say this when speaking to organizations that want to retain top talents: People join organizations because of the organization’s vision and values, but people leave organizations because of the people. Having seen and studied what makes teams thrive, leaders should focus on people rather than just tasks, as well as on clarity and communication rather than just fixing problems.

I borrowed and integrated the concept of Ikigai from Japanese philosophy to contextualize it for senior leadership development. I call it the Ikigai Experience. Ikigai in Japanese has no simple English equivalent, and attempts at defining it often fail to truly express its entirety. A basic understanding of Ikigai is the reason for being—your personhood. That is the reason Ikigai is something to be experienced rather than a concept to understand.

The Ikigai Experience is a deep dive into yourself to gain deeper awareness and clarity of thought about who you are, why you do what you do and what truly matters to you. Gaining congruence and coherence is critical to ensuring your decisions and communication come with conviction. Many leaders just speak what seems right, but there is a lack of conviction.

This process should manifest in your ability to lead with the highest degree of professionalism, ethics, respect and honor. We have seen how many senior leaders, given the huge array of power at their disposal, make ethically and morally questionable decisions. Why does that happen time and again? To me, it’s because these leaders never had the chance to develop within, they have skill sets for business growth but don’t do the inner work to truly lead change.

So how can you begin to step into your Ikigai and take a deep dive into learning more about yourself?

Here are a few reflective principles you can take and ruminate on. The best way to build this depth of awareness is to take one principle at a time during the course of the day to think it through—during work or personal time—and see how the awareness broadens for you. One recommendation I give to my clients is to think about one of these principles during an early morning walk by the beach or park and allow the interaction with nature to bring new insights.

10 Reflective Principles of Ikigai

1. To the degree we think we know, we know not.

2. To try balancing work and life is to lose balance in both.

3. To seek success is to seek failure; to seek greater success is to seek greater failure.

4. Greatness isn't a culmination of doings but a realization of being.

5. Harmony is found in chaos; chaos is found in harmony.

6. Fear and hope are like two sides of the same coin.

7. How far we want to go forward is how far we need to go inward for us to go toward our destination.

8. What we are seeking is seeking us, for what was the predator becomes the prey.

9. Who we are is revealed by what we say; what we say becomes what we do.

10. Questions without answers are the best answers to questions.

I formulated these 10 reflective principles as a way for senior leaders to begin their reflective journey to discover who they are—their purpose, passion and personhood. We are drawn to steps, models and frameworks to help us make sense of life; however, those only place more limits and bind our ability to think. When we take on a process of reflective, deep inner work, we begin from a place of reflection and principles to help us discover what we truly value and what our heart's desires are—to find congruence, coherence and correspondence in all that we do and are.


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