A Framework For Curiosity-Based Conversations In Team Leadership Engagement

Written by Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC

What does it mean to be curious? It's not using the word "curious" in a question that makes your conversation curious. The great myth of "engagement" has been overly misused by many organizations as the way to retain talents, build rapport with stakeholders and innovate.

Often leaders in their strategic retreats get hooked on the next shiny object and they think that engagement is about doing things and imbuing new frameworks and changing processes—only to realize that after trying to implement, the momentum and ignition that begin well at the start only die down and fade away into oblivion.

"Doing engagement" without thinking about what the purpose is and how it aligns with the organization's values and mission is just an attempt to fire arrows in hopes of hitting a target that isn't even there. During my interactions with senior leaders, human resources (HR) practitioners and learning and development (L&D) leaders, the common challenge they face on a constant basis is how they could engage and have better conversations with internal and external stakeholders. With the conversations happening almost in parallel on social media and internal communications channels, the need to have better conversations becomes key.

Engagement begins with understanding how conversation works and what sparks the fire of conversation to fan the flames of catalytic moments where ideas and creativity thrive and momentum for progress subsists. To deepen engagement, internal teams must first have engaged conversations that allow for ownership of ideas.

The challenge of teams and leaders is in having creative and innovative conversations that inspire ideas and new ways of thinking about current processes and developing new products and services that would serve the needs of their clients. How well an organization innovates corresponds strongly to the culture of innovation and creative space given to teams and leaders to explore and challenge the status quo.

Teams must begin to look beyond just the current needs of their stakeholders and envision the future needs and wants of futurestakeholders. To do that we need to employ curiosity-based conversations. Too often, teams ask surface questions or questions that are "safe" in order to avoid any conflict, which results in lethargic outcomes. Such process conversations end up not adding value to the overall goals of the organization.

The key to creating more engagement for innovation is to have curiosity-based conversations. I have developed a method I call the CATS model for curiosity-based conversation. Coaches and leaders from across Asia have found this model helps them in a non-intrusive and culturally sensitive manner that improves team dynamics and interpersonal harmony and rapport.

The CATS model also depicts the metaphor of a cat’s own curious nature: Its approach is non-judgmental, open and appreciative, with a sense of wonderment. The principle that is the foundational building block of CATS is the principle of co-creation. It's not about one person’s conversation taking the spotlight, nor it is about another’s idea being the most dominant one just because a person is more extroverted or has a higher position.

Below I will lay out the CATS model with example questions and statements you can use in your conversations. The model is a four-part exploration based on the acronym CATS that will enable you to demonstrate curiosity in your engagement.

• Clarity Of Context With Coherence And Congruence. Use questions that help evoke awareness of context and how it coheres to values and intended outcomes. This clarity produces a sense of congruence in the context of the situation and the desired end state.

“Tell me more about how your vision and this set of tactics relate.”

“I am wondering how this connects with your larger goals.”

“What are some ways for us to look at this problem?”

“What matters most to us?”

• Apprehending Apprehensions Of Self And Situation. At times, there is communication that is unspoken, such as inner fears that are holding the individual or the situation back. Unraveling those underlying anxieties will help surface deeper issues that are lurking.

“What do you believe is holding you back?”

“How has this challenge prevented you from moving forward?”

“What if the problem was our resource? How would that change our approach?”

“What if on the far side of fear were hope and courage? How would we have moved forward differently?

• Trains Of Thought. Notice how trains of thought move from one topic to the next and how those may jump from associated or dissociated states. Sometimes during the exploration, we may notice how individuals may have particular patterns of thoughts, and it's in those moments we may want to reflect those patterns to them and help them be aware of those patterns. Trains of thought allow us to explore answers to potential problems in a logical sequence or in a more non-linear way of thinking.

“What led you to those thoughts?”

“What would have been different if...?”

“How are you feeling as you think about that?”

“If you put on the hat of a (expert/genius/resource), what solutions would you have?”

• Sagacious Exploration. Discernment is key to moving and navigating through complex conversational webs. The fine balance of recognizing each person’s contribution and yet being keenly aware of the outcomes of the conversation—and also holding the space for creativity and innovation to thrive—is a delicate tightrope. The team coach will have to employ wisdom, authentic respect and acknowledgment in the exploration in order to build the momentum for the team to feel progress and yet not feel rushed.

“What new discovery are we making in this moment?”

“Who are we being in this moment?”

“Through our innovation, who are we truly serving?”

“What is the answer to the question we have yet to ask?”

The CATS model allows for teams and leaders to have deeper exploration across various layers of conversations. And the most important element is that the coaching is helping to move the team forward and toward their desired outcomes that are aligned with the overall vision and values.

Curiosity kills banality but germinates creativity.


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